Rapid Model Deployment

Supports multiple model development and staging environments

In today’s ever competitive environment, the ability to develop and deploy new pricing models in an efficient and cost effective manner is key. Most financial organizations employ a traditional model development and deployment process that requires multiple development and staging environments.

Once deployed, many financial institutions fail to quantify and monitor pricing model uncertainty on a daily basis. This can be quite costly as often significant resources need to be allocated to model correction/reconciliation and a repeat of overnight risk and P&L calculations.

Analytic Space is robust and versatile portfolio pricing and risk analysis framework that supports rapid model deployment. By amalgamating market data, pricing models and risk analysis into a centralized service, Analytic Space provides a flexible and robust framework for efficienly deploying new pricing models. Analytic Space provides users easy access to both new and existing pricing models and market data sets allowing for in-depth model analysis and performance assessment.

Benefits include:

  • New pricing models (even during prototyping) can be used in parallel with production models
  • Model validation becomes a part of a daily routine process
  • Ability to test a multitude of potential market scenarios, including asymptotic and stress test scenarios

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